Upcoming Feature Presentations
Our meetings for the foreseeable future will be either virtual OR virtual/in-person hybrid.
Study Groups
Tactical Thursday
Once a month we meet to take a tactical approach to genealogical problems. On Tactical Thursdays, the group troubleshoots a genealogical problem that is presented to the group.
Other Upcoming Events
Past Feature Presentations
Tuesday, September 10 2024 06:00 PM CDT
Midwifery & Genealogy
Presented by Nona Edwards-thomas

Tuesday, August 13 2024 06:00 PM CDT
Animating Ancestors
Presented by Daja E. Henry

AAHGS Memphis and Mid-South vice president and newsletter editor Daja Henry will present on how to tell your ancestors' stories through writing. Daja is a journalist and a proud alumna of Howard University.
Tuesday, June 11 2024 06:00 PM CDT
Genealogical Landmarks:Telling Our History Through the Built Environment
Presented by Glenn Vaulx III

RESCHEDULED FROM APRIL 9TH-April's Teaching Tuesday will feature Glen Vaulx, III , a native Memphian and graduate of Howard University, M.Arch. He is a Project Coordinator, if you'd like to know more, join us.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Zoom Link
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday, May 23 2024 06:00 PM CDT
Asian American Pacific Islander Month - The Impact of Chinese Heritage On Other Ethnicities
Presented by Emmi Dunn
Guest Speaker Emmi Dunn, Historian, will discuss the impact of Chinese heritage on other ethnicities.
Saturday, May 18 2024 12:00 PM CDT
DNA Basics Extended
Presented by Dr. Karen Baskerville

Dr. Karen Baskerville presents DNA Basics Extended
Thursday, April 25 2024 06:00 PM CDT
Member Queries
Presented by Membership
It's time for Tactical Thursday! Please submit your queries to info@aahgsmemphis.org. We will work as a group to break down brick walls in your research. We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.
Saturday, April 20 2024 12:00 PM CDT
You've Found Them, What's Next?
Presented by Mark White

If you have researched, collected, filed, and arranged your family information, but have not established a perfect way to share your findings. This session is for you, it will feature Mark White, a Memphis native, “who has spent the past 30 years in the technology space focused on software for non-profits and large organizations”. He is also a Shelby County Historical Commissioner and podcast host of “Our Memphis History”. If you would like to learn more, join us.
Register in advance for this meeting: HERE.
Saturday, February 24 2024 11:00 AM CDT
African Americans & the Arts
Presented by Membership
- Inspired By Art - Jasymne Flemmons, Artist
- Memphis Musicians: Blues Melody - Teresa Hill Mays, Genealogy & History
- Commentary - Chester "Memphis Gold" Handler, Bluesman
Tuesday, January 09 2024 06:00 PM CDT
Genealogy with Clevlyn Anderson
Presented by Clevlyn Anderson

Genealogy with Clevlyn Anderson
Tuesday, December 12 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Forgotten History
Presented by Mark Bell

Forgotten History
Thursday, September 21 2023 06:00 PM CDT
What to Know Before You Go to Africa
Presented by Eunice Buffington

How to Prepare for Travel to Africa by Eunice Buffington
Sunday, July 23 2023 12:00 PM CDT
Black Homesteaders of the South
Presented by Bernice Bennett

Author and genealogist Bernice Bennett provides little-known evidence that Black families living in the South acquired land under the Homestead Act of 1862
Thursday, July 20 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Working with DNA
Presented by Dr. Karen Baskerville

Monday, July 17 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Embracing Heritage
Presented by Della Beavers

Thursdpresentation by travel expert Della Beavers on cost/proposed dates/travel vaccination/travel documents/currency/inter country travel for an unforgettable journey to rediscover your heritage and create meaningful memories.
Saturday, June 24 2023 12:00 PM CDT
Black and Brown Irish Americans
Presented by Martine Brennen

Saturday 24 June
Black and Brown Irish Americans by Irish born genealogist and historian, Martine Brennen
Tuesday, June 13 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Working with Excel and Powerpoint
Presented by Karen Baskerville (Excel) & Teresa Mays (PowerPoint)

Working with Excel and Powerpoint-proposed presentation by Karen Baskerville (Excel) & Teresa Mays (PowerPoint)
Thursday, May 18 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Navigating the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Presented by Shelia Randolph

Afro American genealogist Sheila R. Randolph discuss navigating the UDC process for membership.
Saturday, April 22 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Reclaiming Our Time
Presented by Dr. Payla Royster

Dr. Royster will present a research project idenfying families in the Fredericksburg, VA whose ancestors hail from one of the 12 African nations
Thursday, March 23 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Tracing My Ancestors Great Migration by Train
Presented by Sheeka Sanahori

Our guest speaker for Women History Month will be Sheeka Sanahori, Journalist and founder of Inherited Travel. Sheekna will share her step by step process from family research, to booking on Amtrak, to going on the trip with her son to pay homage to ancestors who moved north during the Great Migration along with her Washington Post article, “Tracing My Ancestors Great Migration by Train”.
Saturday, February 25 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Orange Mound Voices
2471 Park Ave, Memphis, TN 38114
Presented by Various

AAHGS Memphis President Eunice Buffington has partnered with Josh Campbell, director of Spillit and the Orange Mound Arts Council and we're excited for the first of hopefully many neighborhood Spillits. She will share a story how SHEROs are make in Orange Mound and would love to see other AAHGS members share stories.
Join us for an evening of stories from Orange Mound in Orange Mound. This a free event. If you are interested in sharing your story please contact us at spillitstories@gmail.com
Saturday, February 25 2023 12:00 PM CDT
Researching an Ancestor's Pathway of Enslavement
3030 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN
Presented by Mayor Lisa Hicks-Gilbert and Brian Sheffey

Guest speakers Mayor Lisa Hicks-Gilbert a descendant of the Elaine Massacre 1919, Brian Sheffey (Genealogy Adventures co-host & award winning author) will present -Researching an Ancestor's Pathway of Enslavement
Brian Sheffey (Genealogy Adventures co-host & award winning author) Researching an Ancestor's Pathway of Enslavement
Tuesday, February 21 2023 10:00 AM CDT
How Research & DNA Revealed the Founder of Several Historically Black Colleges & Universities
Presented by Rowena Featherstone
See the TNGS website for complete details.
As a small child, Rowena listened to her mother as she told stories of ancestors. The gaps in her mother's information inspired Rowena to begin her research. In 2013, on the advice of a friend she joined Ancestry.Com and her DNA tested. Later, in 2019 she joined the Afro American Historical and Genealogical Society and in 2020 joined Tennessee Genealogical Society.
she has gained many family members, reconnected with family, and discovered unknown ancestors. One such revelation is historically prominent Bishop Elias Cottrell (1853-1937), of Holly Springs, MS., the brother of her paternal grandfather.
Rowena Allen Featherstone is a native of Holly Springs, MS.She attended St. Mary’s Catholic School, before moving to Memphis and then graduated from Melrose High School in 1970 and received her B.S. from Memphis State University (U of M). Rowena was Chief Supervisor, Reservation Sales for Delta Air Lines (Memphis) and later owned a Nationwide Insurance Agency. Additionally, with her late husband, owned Loyal Featherstone Realtors and Builders. Though semi-retired she continues to enjoy selling real estate with The Peyton Company Realtors.
Saturday, January 28 2023 12:00 PM CDT
The Civil War & Reconstruction Governors of Mississippi Project (CWRGM)
3030 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN
Presented by Membership

This weekend, we will have our first chapter meeting of the year, both in-person at the Benjamin Hooks Central Library and via Zoom. It will be Saturday, January 28 at 11:00 a.m. A Zoom link for this will be sent out as well.
Thursday, January 26 2023 06:00 PM CDT
Creating My Family Calendar
Presented by Mia Robinson-Pointer

On Thursday, January 26, at 6:00 p.m., we will have our Tactical Thursday, entitled "Creating My Family Calendar." Our speaker will be Mia Robinson-Pointer. A Zoom link will be sent out later this week.
Tuesday, January 10 2023 06:30 PM CDT
Using Forever Storage for Genealogy
Presented by Taneya Koonce

Forever Storage
Saturday, December 17 2022 11:00 AM CDT
AAHGS Holiday Luncheon
Medallion Restaurant
Presented by AAHGS Memphis Members

., we will have a Christmas luncheon at Medallion Restaurant. If you plan to attend, please RSVP at info@aahgsmemphis.org. Please bring a small gift (aprox $10 - $20 value) to exchange.
Tuesday, December 13 2022 06:00 PM CDT
Genealogy Adventures
Presented by Donya Williams
Donya Williams presents "Finding Descendants of Moses Williams"
Saturday, November 26 2022 10:30 AM CDT
Remembering our Ancestors for Thanksgiving
BenjaminHooks Library, 3030 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38111
Presented by AAHGS Memphis Members

As we gather for the holidays, we often share stories of the past.
Please join us for our November meeting. Our meeting this month will be a Show & Tell. Our members will share stories, memorabilia and stories.
Thursday, August 25 2022 06:30 PM CDT
USCT File of a Confederate Cook
Presented by AAHGS Memphis Members

Tactical Thursday, where we gather as a group to share and tackle genealogical issues, brick walls, family history, resources, etc. That will be Thursday, August 25 at 6:30 p.m. CST.
Saturday, July 23 2022 10:00 AM CDT
The Legacy of Bessie Coleman
Benjamin Hooks Library, 3030 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN
Presented by Thelma Rudd

The Legacy of Bessie Coleman
Please join us for our FIRST in-person meeting since the pandemic began!
Saturday, April 16 2022 12:30 PM CDT
AAHGS Memphis & the Mid-South Meeting and Election Update
Presented by AAHGS Memphis Members

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Saturday, March 19 2022 12:30 PM CDT
Annual Membership Meeting
Members, check your email
Presented by AAHGS Memphis
Members Only, discussing election, finance, calendar, etc.
Tuesday, March 08 2022 06:00 PM CDT
From The Big House to the White House: Images of African Americans in Pop Culture
Presented by Rhonda Culver

I have always been a collector and my first collection was a small stamp collection I had in third grade. Suddenly at some point everything I and my family members did, had become important and worth saving, so I kept it! My love of collecting has grown over the years. I now have an alligator/University of Florida collection; a black doll collection: and a pretty sizable Motown record/memorabilia collection. I became more interested in how African Americans were portrayed throughout history and wanted to know the origins of some of the stereotypical images and beliefs surrounding African Americans. I began to collect black memorabilia in the early 1980s. My collection grew but in recent years have collected more contemporary items for their historical significance.
Thursday, February 24 2022 06:00 PM CDT
African Americans Fight For Freedom, Through The United States Colored Troops
Presented by Micheal Cherry

Micheal Cherry is a local expert on the United States Colored Troops. He spearheaded the effort to error a historical marker honoring the African-Americans from Madison County, TN who served on behalf of the Union in the Civil War. He has been a featured speaker in the past for AAHGS Memphis for our Genealogy Think Tank event.
Saturday, February 19 2022 12:30 PM CDT
African American History Through Art
Pre-register at
Presented by Dr. Earnestine Jenkins, University of Memphis professor of Art History

Dr. Jenkins is a Professor of Art History-Visual Culture Studies. Department of Art, University of Memphis. She will discuss Black Artists in America: From the Great Depression to Civil Rights She also is the author of Race, Representation, and Photography in 19th Century Memphis: from Slavery to Jim Crow.
Tuesday, February 08 2022 06:00 PM CDT
Black History Month theme: Black Health and Wellness
Members, check your email
Presented by Marilyn Barnes

Marilyn Anderson Barnes will share her special interest in the pursuit to enlighten Black Families about our health.
Saturday, January 22 2022 12:30 PM CDT
FTDNA Group Project: Mason, West-Tenn
Members, check your email or contact info@aahgsmemphis.org for login details.
Presented by John Marshall

John Marshall will describe the FTDNA West Tennessee Project. Families include Maclin, Taylor, Whitmore, Mason, Cody, Baskerville, Malone, Tucker, Williams, Williamson, Fields, Harwell, Godden, Bonds, Hodge, Broadnax, Pweitt, Thompson, Randle, Porter, Rives, Jefferson, Johnson
Saturday, November 20 2021 12:30 PM CDT
AAHGS Memphis Veterans Tribute 2021
Presented by Members CW4 Eunice Buffington, U.S. Army Retired and Barbara Williams

Members CW4 Eunice Buffington, U.S. Army Retired and Barbara Williams are the presenters with a slideshow of family members or members who served in the military being honored at the end.
Saturday, September 18 2021 12:30 PM CDT
Great Finds & Memorabilia
Presented by Group Participation

Interesting items and facts uncovered through research.
Saturday, August 21 2021 12:30 PM CDT
Think Tank 2021
Presented by Wayne Dowdy, Gene Armstead, and Toni Armstead

We are a group of similarly interested individuals, concentrating on researching family history. Our aim is to educate and empower others with tools to discover their family's legacy. We are a small group, operating under the guidance of the national organization. At Genealogy Think Tank 2021 we have two awesome presentations and an introduction to our group which will include a few links that will help you in your future quest. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Saturday, June 12 2021 12:30 PM CDT
Race, Place, and Space in Genealogy
Members, check your email or contact info@aahgsmemphis.org for login details.
Presented by Cynthia J. Sadler, Ph.D.

Cynthia J. Sadler, PhD is an anthropologist and historian who has over 25 years of experience in nonprofit management program evaluation, and grant writing She served as the official historian for Memphis Heritage Trail, an initiative that recognizes the contributions of African Americans to the City of Memphis. She also served on the design team of the I AM A MAN Plaza, which pays tribute to the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Stake She is currently a history instructor at Southwest Tennessee Community College She has worked extensively in documenting the genealogy of her family, with an emphasis on race, place, and space Using storytelling as an interpretive foundation, she has added authentic voice to narratives that transcended time and generations
Saturday, April 17 2021 12:30 PM CDT
Touring TNGenWeb And How You Can Help
Members, check your email or contact info@aahgsmemphis.org for login details.
Presented by Taneya Koonce

Taneya Koonce is an enthusiastic genealogist with a long-standing passion for exploring family history and more than 20 years of professional expertise in information science, research, and information organization. Taneya volunteers extensively in the genealogy community, with current leadership roles in the Nashville Chapter of the Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society, the USGenWeb Project, and the National Genealogical Society
Saturday, February 27 2021 12:30 PM CDT
DNA In A Plain Wrapper
Members, check your email for the Zoom meeting details
Presented by Karen A. Baskerville, Ph. D.

Our featured speaker Karen Baskerville, Ph. D. will discuss DNA is an simple, easy to understand way. "DNA is a Plain Wrapper" will answer your questions about DNA tests, what they can and can't tell you, and how you can use the results to further your own genealogical research. Dr. Baskerville is a neuroscientist and is a Professor and former Chair of the Biology Department at Lincoln University of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At Lincoln, she enjoys teaching neuroscience, anatomy, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, and histology courses; she loves to infuse art in some of her courses. She is also actively engaged in research. Her research interests include mechanisms of oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. As a visiting professor, she has conducted research at MIT (Alzheimer’s studies), Penn State College of Medicine (stroke studies), and the University of Delaware (tissue engineering studies). She also collaborates with an investigator at Fox Chase Cancer Center and has a partnership with Drexel University. In addition to teaching and research, she serves as Chair of the Faculty Council.
Saturday, November 21 2020 12:00 PM CDT
Genealogy Research: My Personal Legacy
Presented by Group

Members present their plans or thoughts on what they want their research to convey, to whom, and what form when you are gone.
There are some people writing a book or books, some sharing stories, others leaving files at the library, creating charts, scrapbook format, etc.
Saturday, September 19 2020 12:00 PM CDT
African American Soldiers in WWII
Presented by

It has been 75 years since the end of World War II. We will be celebrating the African-American soldiers who bravely served their country during this conflict.
If you would like us to acknowledges a WWII service member, please send a photo (preferably in uniform) as well as a brief biography OR description of their wartime service to us at info@aahgsmemphis.org.
Saturday, August 15 2020 12:00 PM CDT
Genealogy Think Tank 2020
This virtual event will be presented on Zoom
Presented by Dr. L. LaSimba M. Gray, Pastor Emeritus, New Sardis Baptist Church & Verjeana Hunt, Memphis Public Library, Public Services Supervisor- History Department
Each year, AAHGS Memphis presents a "Think Tank" to introduce the general public to our group and to help people get started with their own genealogical research
This year's program will feature Dr. L. LaSimba M. Gray. He is the author Metamorphosis of Memphis: the Blues and Beale Street 1819-2019 and will speak about his book
Following the feature presentation, there will be presentation aquainting guests on how to get started with their own genealogical research.
Read More on the Think Tank pageSaturday, July 25 2020 12:00 PM CDT
Discovering Family Ties in Unmarked Slave Graves At Red Banks Baptist Church
Presented by Eunice Buffington

Eunice Buffington, genealogist, family historian, entrepreneur, speaker, and YouTube host.
The Family Tree Buff's mission is to research, record, and reveal the unvarnished truth of lost and hidden blood ties using research and DNA analysis. To raise awareness of the generational trauma inherited from slavery and break the cycle of inherited dysfunction.Preserve pride in the importance of family by connecting blood drops, one cousin at a time. Impact the community through activism and a voice for change.
Retired US Army Warrant Officer(CW4), Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Master's Degree in Human Resource Management, and Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Coach.Descendant of Black Pharaohs, Kings and Queens from England and Scotland, enslaved Africa and Caribbean Natives, and Native American Indians.
Equipped with visual artifacts, books, and historical documents to educate and inspire.My goal is to uncover blood ties through research and DNA connections and reveal the unvarnished truth of the blood ties that connect Black, Red, and White.In doing so leave a record for other researchers seeking that missing link.
Saturday, June 20 2020 02:00 PM CDT
Documenting Your Family History: What You Need to Know as You Get Started
Members, check your email or contact info@aahgsmemphis.org for login details.
Presented by Marie Scott

Marie Scott is currently the Parliamentarian for the Black Family Historical and Genealogical Society of Arizona. Her presentation on Saturday, June 20. 2020, will emphasize the importance of applying ethical standards in genealogical research.
Marie is a graduate of Fontbonne University(ST.Louis, MO) with a degree in English Literature.She has spent her career in media related positions which include,Community Affairs Director, KPLR - TV, St.Louis, MO, and Deputy Press Secretary for Vincent C. Schoemehl, Jr., Mayor, ST.Louis, MO, and Community Affairs Director, KMOX News / Talk 1120, a division of CBS Radio.
Saturday, June 13 2020 01:30 PM CDT
Medical History Is A Family History
Presented by Robert Scott, M.D., Ph.D

Our presenter was born and reared in Omaha, Nebraska. He completed his undergraduate studies at Fisk University (Nashville, TN), and he received his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Meharry Medical College (Nashville, TN). Robert went on to do his residency at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and he did his general cardiology fellowship at St. Louis University Hospital. He received his sub-specialty fellowship in heart failure and transplant, at Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio. Robert practiced in New Orleans, Louisiana for seven years before accepting the position of medical director of the nascent team, that began the cardiac transplant program at Mayo Clinic, Arizona. He currently serves as the Director of the Pulmonary Hypertension Program, of the Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Arizona.
Dr. Scott is a member of the American Heart Association; American College of Cardiology; International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation; Heart Failure Society of America; and Pulmonary Hypertension Association.
Robert holds membership in the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, AAHGS-Memphis Chapter, Black Family Genealogy and History Society(Phoenix, Arizona), and West Valley Genealogical Society.He is researching the surnames of Anderson, Hartsfield, Sargent, and Scott in the states of Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Texas